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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Effects of Armed Conflicts on Women Free Essays
string(79) NGOs continually strived to cause to notice their sufferings (Jack, 2003). Equipped clash has consistently been an inalienable quality of the world we live in. The reasons for strife can be diverse going from endeavors to increase monetary, political or regional bit of leeway to social factors, for example, religion and ethnicity. Furnished clashes can likewise be fluctuated in nature with bury, intra and even non state warriors battling against one another. We will compose a custom exposition test on Impacts of Armed Conflicts on Women or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now The unpredictability and size of equipped clashes have expanded by and large with the rise of non-state fear based oppressor and soldier of fortune bunches that does not have the uniqueness of customary state armed forces battling against one another. The outcomes have been annihilating for an expanding number of the number of inhabitants on the planet who are influenced by such outfitted clashes. These incorporate the soldiers as well as regular people who become involved with the battling in one manner or the other. Indeed non military personnel losses have been on the ascent and climbing â€Å"dramatically from 5 percent when the new century rolled over, to 15 percent during World War I, to 65 percent before the finish of World War II, to more than 75 percent in the wars of the 1990s. †(UN Report, 2001) A cliché see in regards to equipped clashes is that the men take on the conflicts while the ladies bolster them by dealing with the home front. Men are seen as the contenders who endure causalities while ladies need to assume out the customary jobs of spouses, moms and parental figures and are in this manner similarly unaffected by war. Byrne (1996) anyway holds that despite the fact that it is to a great extent men who straightforwardly take on and bite the dust in conflicts, it is ladies who comprise a larger part of the non military personnel losses of war. Byrne proceeds to include that the idea of ladies staying securely at home while the men battle the war at the front, and the separation among ‘conflict’ and ‘safe’ zones in furnished clash are basically legends that don't check out the viable circumstance. Besides, the way that a developing number of ladies are additionally taking part in furnished clashes the world over as dynamic soldiers and not just as aloof help suppliers adds another measurement with the impacts of equipped clashes on ladies. The Independent Experts’ Assessment on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Women and the job of Women in Peace-Building (2001) appointed by the United Nations Development Funds for Women picked ‘During Armed Conflict Women’s Bodies Become a Battleground’ as the title of the initial part of its report. This epitomizes the degree of savagery against ladies because of equipped clashes. Regular folks have become the essential focuses in new dread strategies that have advanced in equipped clashes. In any case, it is ladies who endure most. Men and young men just as ladies and young ladies are the casualties of this focusing on, however ladies, significantly more than men, endure sex based savagery. Their bodies become a battleground over which restricting powers battle. †(Rehn Sirleaf, 2001) The United Nations characterizes viciousness against ladies as â€Å"any demonstration of sex based brutality that outcomes in, or is probably going to bring about physi cal, sexual or mental damage or enduring to ladies, including dangers of such acts, intimidation or self-assertive hardship of freedom, in the case of happening out in the open or in private. †(Machel, 2000) It involves grave worry that ladies are really exposed to each possible demonstration of savagery and that's just the beginning, that can fall under the domain of the definition. In addition to the fact that women face nonexclusive brutality, for example, torment, executing, detainment and constrained work under states of war, yet they likewise endure sex explicit viciousness that strike at the very center of their reality. They are snatched and assaulted, utilized as sexual slaves, compelled to cook, clean, convey water and stacks and do other local errands; and even utilized as human shields or put to dangerous endeavors such clearing minefields. There are various models. Rehn Sirleaf (2001) reports that â€Å"94% percent of uprooted family units studied in Sierra Leone had encountered rapes, including assault, torment and sexual slavery†¦ at any rate 250,000 †maybe upwards of 500,000 †ladies were assaulted during the 1994 decimation in Rwanda. †This anyway is just a glimpse of something larger. The sufferings of ladies in equipped clashes never appear to end. They are constrained by the conditions to offer sex to endure, they are exploited explicitly even by individuals who should support them, lastly, they need to confront reprimand on account of those exceptionally precious ones for whom they make all the penances. Such is their situation. The Reason Why The underlying foundations of the viciousness that ladies endure over the span of equipped clashes are anyway opined to lie somewhere else. Viciousness is supposed to be propagated on ladies not exclusively as a result of the states of war but since of an immediate connection with savagery in the life of ladies in any event, during harmony time (Rehn Sirleaf 2001). The connection between the sexual orientations is dictated by the degree of access to or circulation of intensity. Men are in more control of assets and force than ladies. Since ladies don't have authority over force and assets they as a sexual orientation are normally not the reason behind wars. Regardless of that they endure as a result of their inborn force and control position opposite men. Once more, the more noteworthy accentuation by countries on expanding their military quality outcomes in a weakening of the privileges of ladies worsening the disparities in sexual orientation relations. In a showcase of unadulterated bad faith be that as it may, many furnished clashes are legitimized on the grounds of reestablishing or keeping up sexual orientation correspondence. This was plainly the situation in the American attack of Afghanistan particle 2001 when freedom of ladies from the over the top system of the Talibans was refered to as an explanation despite the fact that there was not really any worry for the predicament of similar ladies during the five years preceding the intrusion in any event, when neighborhood and worldwide NGOs continually strived to cause to notice their sufferings (Jack, 2003). You read Impacts of Armed Conflicts on Women in class Papers Doubtlessly â€Å"although whole networks endure the outcomes of equipped clash and fear based oppression, ladies and young ladies are especially influenced on account of their status in the public eye and their sex. †(Beijing Declaration, 1996). The impact of war on ladies relies generally upon their gendered job that characterizes their limitations and openings in the public arena. Ladies become increasingly powerless war abominations when they are seen as emblematic bearers of the pride and respect of a network. In such cases ladies are explicitly focused as a method of scratching the very embodiment of he rival network. In locales where ladies are considered to speak to the social and ethnic character of networks as the maker of people in the future, any ambush honest turns into an attack on the confidence and respect of the whole network. Under such conditions open assault and torment of ladies is considered to have genuine crippling consequences for adversary networks. The victors or occupation powers resort to sexual misuse of ladies on account of such fundamental war systems combined with intrinsic sexual inclinations. However the equivalent representative job of ladies can be a reason for danger or assault even from their own locale for not fitting in with the job here and there or the other in unfriendly conditions, for example, not wearing a shroud or wandering into illegal territories as has been the situation in the Islamic world. Outfitted clash is in this way like a twofold edged blade for ladies. Cultural standards additionally power ladies to hold up under outrages. The remarks of a specialist working with Save the Children Fund, in an ICRC/TVE film (2000) delineate the point: In specific towns flanking strife little youngsters have conceded that outfitted men come in around evening time †these young ladies are utilized as sex laborers †they are not permitted to dissent †they are not permitted to bolt their entryways and the entire network endures this in light of the fact that these furnished men ensure the network †so it is an exchange off. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ When sexual savagery is utilized as a methods for fighting or when ladies are pressurized to manage kids as a methods for gracefully of future officers, ladies become a truly helpless sex to the brutality of outfitted clash. In struggle zones, for example, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, sexual viciousness was utilized as a methods for ‘ethnic cleansing’. The Serbian police and paramilitary powers utilized assault to rebuff ladies having a place with the Kosovo Liberation Army (Human Rights Watch, 2000). Various Wars, Different Stages, Different Roles The various types of equipped fighting, their various stages and the various jobs that ladies play in these contentions all effectsly affect ladies. Current equipped clashes are battled between foes that are altogether different from the regular state armed forces. Fear based oppressor gatherings and non-state players give outfitted clashes another measurement in the cutting edge world. The issue with such warriors is that they don't stick to global laws administering fighting and have no second thoughts in enjoying savagery and abominations that would fall in the class of war violations. The Geneva Conventions and its conventions discover no takers in them. They are not directed by any position and are guided either by their own debased souls or by obsessive belief systems. Therefore ladies become increasingly helpless a wide range of brutality from such components in outfitted clash. Equipped clashes as a rule go through various stages viz. the pre-strife stage or approach the contention, the contention itself, the phase of compromise or the harmony procedure and the post conf
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Contribution of Effective Leadership Samples †
Question: Talk about the Contribution of Effective Leadership. Answer: Test examination Huge five character test is an evaluative procedure of five significant components of character like Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (OCEAN). My score in Openness is 85% and that decides I have an inventive psyche that works for the advancement of new measurement in craftsmanship. The inventive considerations are proactive in me and my scholarly attitude causes me to identify with ideas and make irregular thoughts. My score in Conscientiousness is likewise high. It brought about 81% and that is simply the explanation, I have enough control and I have fixed my objective to accomplish. I am extremely my hopeful individual and attempt to accomplish my work under any conditions. Efficient attitude and dedicated capacities are my uniqueness and these characteristics help me to set an elevated level of keeping up my inclination. A touch of moderate circumstance has come up in the event of Extraversion and I am very concurring with that. I have scored 48% in this fragment as I don't love to approach as the maker of that occasion. I love to cover up and have no insatiability to feel acclaimed by the watchers. The force, details or winning an honor isn't irritated for me; rather a decent nature of word is significant for my level or singularity. In the event of Agreeableness, I have scored 67% which is a moderate score. I am reasonable if there should be an occurrence of compassion and dealing with individuals and furthermore keep up an offset with my own advantage and enthusiasm with others. I am not unfriendly or opponent but rather not ready to forfeit such enormous things for other people. Possibly I need some improvement over that however a large portion of the cases trust and relationship will be advanced through this procedure. The last factor is my content is the segment of Neuroticism and I have scored 31% on this content. The low score proclaims negative feelings are not affected by my choices and I very loose in a crisis circumstance. The outcome likewise positioned a trademark in my idealistic nature and I have a strong confidence and uplifting standpoint that reflected in low scores. Individuals lows in these areas are commonly joyful and that is the explanation, I am not discouraged in any circumstance fairly anxious to back with the band for better results. Expert and Personal experience If there should be an occurrence of individual and expert experience, I am completely depending on Openness and Conscientiousness. These two variables are empowering better dynamic if there should be an occurrence of initiative. Customary positions of authority are not creative enough to continue in the association rather improved initiative advancements like overseeing strife circumstance, adjusting the representative director relationship, group elements, upgrades of abilities by the preparation and improvement process all these are significant for supportable administration hypothesis (Swanson and Frederick 2016). I have discovered that I have an inventive outlook and scholarly nature that some way or another procedure new innovative thoughts that help in association. High receptiveness likely creates high IQ additionally and as I have a liberal perspective of legislative issues so can without much of a stretch way to deal with me and anticipate a superior answer for the advanceme nt of handling (Pruzan et al. 2017). Then again, I have a nature of restraint and that encourages me in the event of administration control case. I have set my destinations all things considered and it reflects in authoritative targets and as I set time for meeting my goals, the equivalent is pertinent to the association too. Commitment of successful initiative If there should be an occurrence of acclaimed compelling authority, pioneer part trade hypothesis is significant for dynamic relationship upkeep among pioneers and supporters (Paw?owski 2014). The positive changes that have removed from this sort of administration and impact association stage in the association. The hypothesis is likewise underscoring on the in bunches relations and redesign or approve the connection between the group and that makes top notch authority approach (Klaus and Fernando 2016). Way promotion lady hypothesis is another vital advance that should be taken by the pioneers with the goal that social change will come in the initiative style and that procedure help in direction, execution, preparing and the heading. I have a solid outlook in those choices taking a circumstance and that help me to discover my subordinates that are the correct decision for that activity. Relief of difficulties and improvement in execution and keeping up great associations with the gr oup is a definitive result of successful authority. Empower compelling followership The as great pioneer is significant for the administration, great representatives or supporters are likewise significant for the association with the goal that drawn out strategic destinations can be satisfied in through the co-creation cases (Blakeley 2015). Administration and co-creation are connected according to the hypothetical custom in authority process yet the powerful contribution and the dynamic jobs in the association can develop the better relationship and adequate methodology if there should arise an occurrence of social field (Syed et al. 2016). The association needs to make proactive voice with the individuals require and convey the methodology that pioneers and adherents are introducing a similar methodology like other, trust and conviction has come in that circumstance and that reflected in the developing circumstance of keeping up social world and their initiative viewpoints (Joseph 2015). Improve in one quality for better result I think I have to concentrate on the Agreeableness with respect to the better administration approach high compassion or taking more consideration of a group is significant and that reflected through the colleagues. On the off chance that pioneers are not congenial enough their group execution will drop down as workers are expecting a force connection with pioneers. Trust from workers and gracious nature of pioneers advance the person in question as a decent pioneer where potential intrigue and better representatives managing is the USP of that pioneer (Simon and LaCava 2014). I think I have to take classes for contemplation and need to peruse some heavenly books with the goal that social adjust in my perspective will come and more open and giving up nature will come in me and it likewise helps in my authority demeanor. References Blakeley, K., 2015. Motivating dependable initiative in business colleges: Can a profound methodology help.Leadership improvement: Questions business colleges dont ask, pp.151-163. Joseph, J., 2015. Personal responsibility and Altruism: Pluralism as a Basis for Leadership in Business.Business andManagement Studies,1(2), pp.106-114. Klaus, L. also, Fernando, M., 2016. Establishing profound initiative in business through sense of self transcendence.Leadership Organization Development Journal,37(1), pp.71-92. Paw?owski, K., 2014. Authority in business. Pruzan, P., Pruzan-Mikkelsen, K., Miller, D. also, Miller, W., 2017.Leading with intelligence: Spiritual-based initiative in business. Routledge. Simon, A. also, LaCava, G., 2014. Vital reasoning and initiative: Comparing business pioneers and MBA understudies in Western Australia.Oxford Journal: An International Journal of Business Economics,1(1). Swanson, D.L. also, Frederick, W.C., 2016. Disavowal and administration in business morals education.Business morals: New difficulties for business colleges and corporate pioneers, pp.222-240. Syed, R., Bandara, W., French, E. also, Stewart, G., 2016. The status of research on authority in business process the board: A call for activity.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Materialism and Shopping Addictions
Materialism and Shopping Addictions Addiction Addictive Behaviors Shopping Print Materialism and Shopping Addictions By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Updated on April 25, 2019 Michael H/Getty Images More in Addiction Addictive Behaviors Shopping Caffeine Internet Sex Alcohol Use Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery What is the definition of materialism? Understanding this concept is important when it comes to examining shopping addictions. In capitalist societies such as the United States, where consumerism not only runs rampant but is encouraged to boost the economy, materialism is a serious problem. The Nuts and Buts of Materialism Simply put, materialism is the importance one places on material possessions. These possessions could be anything, such as clothes, shoes, handbags, cars, electronic equipment, and gadgets. Ones home also counts as a material possession, even though everyone needs a place to live. Materialistic people dont view a home as simply a place that they dwell in for shelter but a place that reflects their social status in some way. Someone with a high level of materialism, described as materialistic, considers material possessions to be central to their life and their identity. They focus a good deal of their energy on acquiring possessions. Someone with a low level of materialism described as non-materialistic, or not materialistic, does not consider acquiring possessions to be particularly important, although they vary in the extent to which they acquire material possessions in order to meet other objectives, such as social acceptance. Why Materialism Is Such a Problem In the United States, materialism is as American as apple pie and football. It is in many ways a national pastime. The Thanksgiving holiday has largely been overshadowed by Black Friday sales and many department stores even hold sales on Thanksgiving itself, spawning the phrase Brown Thursday. In short, a day that was supposed to focus on gratitude, family and, yes, football, to an extent, is now largely centered on department store sales. Materialism has spawned other terms such as shopaholic, keeping up with the Joneses, and conspicuous consumption. Its difficult not to be materialistic in a culture where shopping is virtually a competitive sport and where children are ostracized if theyre not wearing the right gym shoes or brand name clothes. The rise of online shopping, which has its own holiday shortly after Thanksgiving, Cyber Monday, has in many ways made it more convenient to shop and easier to become a shopping addict. One neednt leave the house to consume but simply click a button. Consequences Materialism has a number of consequences, namely debt. Millions of Americans wind up in thousands of dollars of debt after excessive holiday shopping, extravagant weddings, and too much shopping all year round. Materialism may also affect ones self-esteem. Rather than getting their self-worth from their accomplishments or unique traits, shopping addicts may feel valuable based on what they ownâ€"a fancy car, a luxurious home or an expensive handbag. Materialism can also lead to hoarding, although in this disorder people may collect items that have no worth at allâ€"such as stacks of newspapers, buttons or other items viewed as junk. Still, when people hoard, they place an emotional attachment to material items rather than turning inward to meet their needs. If you have a problem with materialism, you may need to consult a psychotherapist about how you can overcome your tendency to shop too much. Get Support With the 9 Best Online Therapy Programs
Monday, May 25, 2020
A Sacrament, Pope Leo X, The Magnificent, Schmalkaldic...
Chapter 13 Assignment #2 13.2 (Ryan Cho) Sacrament, Pope Leo X, St. Peter s Basilica, Edict of Worms, Peasant s War, Habsburg-Valois Wars, Suleiman the Magnificent, Schmalkaldic Wars, Peace of Augsburg 1. Sacrament. A sacrament is a Christian site recognized as of particular importance and significance. There are various views on the existence and meaning of such rites. Many Christians consider the sacraments to be a visible symbol of the reality of god, as well as a means by which God enacts his grace. 2. Pope Leo X, was pope from 9 March 1513 to his death in 1521. The second son of Lorenzo the Magnificent, ruler of the Florentine Republic, he was elevated to the cardinalate in 1489. He is known primarily for his papal bull against Martin Luther and subsequent failure too stern the Protestant Reformation, which began during his reign when Martin Luther (1483-1546) published the 95 Theses and nailed them to the door of the Castle Church in Witenburg. 3. St. Peter’s Basilica is an Italian Renaissance Church in Vatican City, the papal enclave within the city of Rome. Designed principally by Donate Bramante, Michelangelo, Carlo Maderno and Gian Lerinzi Bremen. St. Peter’s is the most renowned work of Renaissance architecture and is also one of the largest churches in the world. While it is neither the mother church of the Catholic Church nor the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome, St. Peter’s is regarded as one of the holiest Christian shrines. 4. Edict of Worms. The Edict of
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Strategic Management The Oil And Gas Industry - 1638 Words
Strategic Management It is evident that one of the most important industries in the world is the oil and gas industry. This industry has a major impact on everyone’s lives by providing services such as transportation, heating, electricity fuels, blacktop, lubricants, and propane. The oil and gas industry also has an influence on national security, elections, geo politics, and international conflicts (Inkpen and Moffett). The prices of oil and gas are the most closely watched prices in the global economy (Inkpen and Moffett). This paper will go into detail on various topics that relate to strategy. In recent years, oil and gas companies must be on board with changing their business model in order to stay competitive in the market place.†¦show more content†¦This will help companies in this competitive industry to be able to help determine the company’s direction. This statement will also help motivate, and provide an image of the character of the company. Below is the mission state ment for Exxon Mobil that was provided on their website. The statement is broken down by how they look to build their relationships with their shareholders, customers, employees, and communities. The mission statement for Exxon is a strong indicator that they are committed to success and that they focus on every aspect of interested parties. Exxon Mobil Mission Statement â€Å"Exxon Mobil Corporation is committed to being the world’s premier petroleum and petrochemical company. To that end, we must continuously achieve superior or financial and operating results while simultaneously adhering to high ethical standards†(Exxon). Shareholders â€Å"We are committed to enhancing the long-term value of the investment dollars entrusted to us by our shareholders. By running the business profitably and responsibly, we expect our shareholders to be rewarded with superior returns. This commitment drives the management of our Corporation†(Exxon). Customers â€Å"Success depends on our ability to consistently satisfy ever changing customer preferences. We commit to be innovative and responsive, while offering high quality products and services atShow MoreRelatedStrategic Management of Uk Oil and Gas Industry3911 Words  | 16 PagesSTRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF ANALYSIS OF UK OIL AND GAS SECTOR 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 UK OIL SECTOR OVERVIEW The oil and gas industry is a large Industry and contributes a critical role in driving the global economy (Sam’s et. al., 2006).The upstream section of the Industry is involved with the first stage of exploration and production, the midstream section involves the transportation of crude through pipelines, ships e.t.c to the refineries. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Movie Analysis Military Science Fiction - 1172 Words
Military science fiction has grown up over the years. Gone are the days when a simple plot would suffice. Readers demand more of an intricate story, something they can proverbially sink their teeth into. They do not want something that can be read in hours. Because of this demand, story plots are more complex today than in previous years. In the stories presented this semester, storylines varied, but there was always once central theme: survival. Characters were built up more to accommodate the intricate plots. Themes have matured and reflect current world events. All these work together to provide the backbone of the stories. Over the past decade, story scenarios have become more enthralling to the reader. The adventures presented this†¦show more content†¦After quite an interesting conversation with a nine-meter-tall representation of Adolph Hitler, Old Guy found himself in battle with the Blade Fetish. He was ultimately saved by MegaHitler. Plots went deeper by placing a historical enemy that wanted absolution alongside a physical antagonist. In Combat Unit, a fighting Unit battled not only an unknown enemy, but also the unfamiliar surroundings it was in. Enemies were Story plots went deeper with the addition of a child in Ender’s Game. The survival of the human race was at stake and depended on the actions of a child winning a game. Survival of a race was still evident, but it rested on the ruthlessness of adults who pressured Ender into excelling at their game. Protecting planetary resources was one of the main plots of On Basilisk Station. Honor Harrington had to defend a species from an overzealous drug lord, while protecting her crew from different enemies. John Perry had to battle numerous foes in Old Man’s War. Each species had their own nuances and that complicated defending planets against them. All John â€Å"Black Jack†Geary wanted to do was get his fleet home. However, the enemy he was running from, the Syndics, m anaged to make it more difficult for him. It took extraordinary tactics to avoid them. Survival meant outsmarting a brilliant enemy. Through each story, the basic need for longevity took on various forms. It went from being quite simple to a complicated goal. Backstories had given more
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Maintaining Healthy Life Prevent Occurrence of Disease Conditions
Question: Describe about the Maintaining Healthy Life for Prevent Occurrence of Disease Conditions. Answer: Introduction: Damasio (2015) describes homeostasis as the capacity, existing in every living organisms, of constantly maintaining definite functional variables within a array of values, harmonious with survival. However, another definition of homeostasis is stated as the active processes that facilitate ideal circumstances to be maintained for cells, in spite of recurrent alterations taking place inside and outside (Clancy McVicar, 2009). Imbalance in the homeostasis can lead to the impaired functioning of vital systems in the body and occurrence of the disease condition. Background information (Negative feedback, internal environment, receptor, controller and effector): Homeostasis purpose is to keep the body in a state of equilibrium and permit a degree of independence from the environment. In a human being, maintaining a stable internal environment can be harder than we believe as many factors contribute to this: body temperature, inner pH., inner concentrations of various ions, hydration, blood pressure and glucose level in the blood. The human body is in a constant state of maintaining homeostasis as we regularly eat, drink and sweat, which is affected by our intake of water, carbon and sugar. All of these intakes need to be controlled to provide a positive, constant internal environment. Human beings also have physiological mechanisms built into the body to assist with these factors which all affect the chemical reactions that maintain life (Doherty, 2006). The nervous system and hormones are responsible for this and when the equilibrium is susceptible or absent, there is a severe threat to the health of the patient (Waugh Grant, 2015). This imbalance causes the process of negative feedback to begin. This process occurs when certain regulatory systems become active to bring any abnormal balance back to their normal levels. All bodies have control systems which help us to maintain homeostasis and they detect change in the internal environment. The internal environment is extracellular fluid that flows persistently within the blood and lymphatic system and must have ideal levels of water, ions, gas and nutrients and its normal temperature and ideal pressure for the cells to stay healthy, as any disruption within these may lead to death (Rhoades Bell, 2012). Extracellular fluids of this internal environment constitute about one third of the total body fluid. The internal environment is controlled by careful absorption of fluids and mater ials across cell membranes present in the body. This absorption is under the control of the neuroendocrine system. Removal of waste is also an important factor for maintaining internal environment. These processes of absorption and removal, which comes under internal environment, are collectively called as homeostasis. A human body has thousands of control system which comprises of three basic components: a receptor, control centre and effectors. These components support different jobs, in order to manage the internal environment. These control systems operate to control functions of individual organs and its relation to the other organs (Clancy, McVicar, 2009). Mechanism of action: Role of the endocrine system in glucose homeostasis can be exemplified by insulin and glucagon. Glucose regulation is important in diabetic patients or patients prone to diabetes. This regulation of glucose is a part of the keeping body in homeostasis. Two hormones involved in the regulation of glucose are insulin and glucagon. These hormones are secreted by pancreas's Islets of Langerhans. Islets of Langerhans secretes these hormones directly in the blood flow. Glucagon is secreted by alpha cells which constitutes about 20 % and insulin is secreted by beta cells which constitutes about 70 % of the pancreatic islet cells (Brissova et al., 2005). Transmembrane receptors like G protein coupled receptors control secretion of insulin and glucagon from the pancreatic islet cells. Blood glucose in mainly regulated by the negative feedback mechanism (Berg et al., 2002). Glucagon plays its role in case of hypoglycaemia and insulin plays its role in case of hyperglycaemia. In case of hypoglyc aemia there is the fall of blood glucose level and subsequently alpa cells of the pancreatic islet cells get activated. As mentioned earlier, these alpha cells secrete glucagon which converts stored glycogen to the glucose. This process of conversion of glycogen to glucose is known as glycogenolysis. This process helps to maintain the normal level of blood glucose. When the blood glucose level is raised, it is called hyperglycemia. In the hyperglycemic state, beta cells of pancreatic islet cells come into the action. These beta cells secrete insulin, which maintains normal blood glucose level. Due to insulin, liver converts more glucose to glycogen and stored. This process of conversion of glycogen to glucose is called glycogenesis. Through Glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) receptor, insulin facilitates movement of glucose into the muscle and fat tissue cells. After entering into the cells, glucose is converted into the Glucose-6-Phosphate, which maintains the concentration gradient across the cell membrane and facilitate movement of glucose into the cells. Thus, insulin is the plays major part in the control of the glucose level and maintaining homeostasis in the body (Chang et al., 2004). Symptoms: Symptoms of hyperglycaemia include augmented thirst, hunger, frequent urination, sugar in urine, headache, blurred vision, and fatigue (Rutter Newby, 2015). Diagnosis: Diagnostic tests for hyperglycaemia comprises of random blood glucose, fasting blood glucose, oral glucose tolerance test and Glycated hemoglobin (A1C) test (Rutter Newby, 2015). Treatment: Treatments available for diabetes include insulin, metformin, sulphonylureas, thiazolidinediones, Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) inhibitors and Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors. Future directions for the treatment of diabetes include stem cells like pluripotent stem cells, embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells (Rutter Newby, 2015). Current research and future directions: Current research is mainly focused towards investigating link between the diet induced obesity, hypertension, inflammation and hyperglycaemia. Because all these complications are interrelated and affects progression or cure of another complication. Future research for this endocrine disorder should be directed towards investigation the medication which can be commonly used in all these complications. This can be only possible, if scientist can find out a common target or pathway leading to all these complications (Long Dagogo-Jack, 2011; Colosia et al., 2013). Conclusion: Homeostasis is important aspect for the maintaining healthy life and to prevent occurrence of disease conditions. Homeostasis can be maintained by external factors like proper diet, environment and exercise and internal factors like maintaining proper functioning of endocrine and nervous system. As mentioned above, impaired function of endocrine system can lead to disease like diabetes. Diabetes is associated with other disease like obesity, hypertension and inflammation. Hence future direction of research should be directed towards investigating common target or pathway leading to all these diseases and developing drugs for these targets. 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